As a photographer, one of the things I’ve long wanted to do was chase and photograph epic storms. Alas, all of my other responsibilities keep me from roaming the country for weeks at a time in hopes of capturing that awesome moment. For some brave souls however, it’s a way of life (at least during storm season). The incredible time-lapse video below was shot by Mike Olbinski over 18 days of chasing. He says of this endeavor:
“Blood. Sweat. Tears. Joy. That’s what this spring was for me. The miles, the grind, the failing, the epic days missed, the lack of sleep, the jubilation, the friendships strengthened, and the time away from my family. And when the chasing was all done…wondering, was worth it all?
Heck yeah it was.”
For a great write-up of the effort, be sure to open this in Vimeo and read the description.
Vorticity (4K) from Mike Olbinski on Vimeo.
Like storm and weather photography? Here are a few images from my own collection.