Lensrentals.com posted today their assessment of the 5D Mark III light leak fix, based on a new set of bodies that have been shipped by Canon. Naturally, they opened it up to see the fix, and below is what they found. While not exactly elegant, the simple electrical tape apparently does the job blocking stray light from the LCD display from hitting the metering system. Many folks are in an uproar about this simple solution, but quite frankly, those folks need to just chill. I, for one, think the issue is completely overblown. Who goes around shooting with their lens cap on and their LCD lit up anyway? I can see how this would potentially be an issue for someone doing long exposure night photography with auto-metering, but I can’t say that I’ve ever auto-metered a night shot. I see the point people are making about this being a $3500 camera, and issues like this being unacceptable. And while I agree to some point, I’m still very much enjoying my 5D and don’t plan on sending it back.

Source: Lensrentals.com